Dial: 1-877-477-3273 (for TTY 1-866-833-8777)
Select (4) for unscheduled leave.
Use voice or use number pad to enter your choice (see number in parentheses or example).
Say HELP for automated assistance.
Say your 8 digit Employee Identification Number, one digit at a time.
Say (or press digit after choice) if absence is due to:
Illnesses (1) → go to A.1
Personal Emergency (2)→ go to B.1
Community Disaster (3) → go to B2
A.1 – Illness – FMLA determination
a. Say yes (1) if you have FMLA case number.
Say no (2) if you don’t have FMLA case number.
If yes, enter FMLA case number → go to A.2.d.
If no, (or invalid) → go to A.1.b
b. Listen to FMLA – covered conditions. Is your leave related to one of
these conditions? Say yes (1) or no (2).
If yes, say new (1) or existing (2) condition
If new, → go to A.2.
If existing with one certificate → go to A.2.d.
If existing with multiple or no certificates → go to A.2
If no, → go to A.2.
A.2 – Illness - leave request (non-job related).
a. Say illness (1), injury (2), medical appointment (3).
b. Say my condition (1) → go to d, or family member (2) → go to c.
c. Say child under 18 (1), adult child with a disability (2), spouse (3), or parent (4).
d. Say sick (1), annual (2), leave without pay (3).
e. Say (total number of hours and or minutes) for this type.
If leave is two 8 hour days, say 16 hours.
If leave is 4 hours and 30 minutes, than say (4 hours 30 minutes).
f. Say date leave is to begin (ex. 10-04-2019 or 10-04-19).
g. Say time leave is to begin (ex. 0700) – say AM (1) or PM (2).
h. Say date leave is to end (ex. 10-05-2019 or 10-05-19).
i. Would you like to request another type of leave? Say yes (1) or no (2).
B.1 – Personal Emergency
a. Say transportation problems (1), household emergency (2), death in family (3), or other (4).
b. Say emergency annual (1), or emergency leve without pay (2).
c. Say (total number of hours and or minutes) for this type.
If leave is two 8 hour days, say 16 hours.
If leave is 4 hours and 30 minutes, than say (4 hours 30 minute
d. Say date leave is to begin (ex. 10-04-2006 or 10-04-06).
e. Say time leave is to begin (ex. 0700) – say AM (1) or PM (2).
f. Say date leave is to end (ex. 10-05-2019 or 10-05-19).
g. Would you like to request another type of leave? Say yes (1) or no (2).
B2. – Community Disaster
You have indicated that your absence is for a community disaster, such as snow, fire, flood, or a civil disorder.
You must exercise reasonable diligence to report to work.
If Administrative Leave is not approved, and you are unable to report for work, what type leave do you want? → go to B.1.a.
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